Izola - Active experiences
A forgotten secret of Izola
A forgotten secret of Izola
Izola, a town known for quality fish, wine, and friendly locals, hides a well-kept secret that you will try to discover. A secret companion, a guide, and an invisible friend all in one person will take you on a digitalized journey.
The experience is available in English, Slovene, or Italian.
To make the path to the secret answer a little bit difficult, you’ll have to go through various challenges – riddles, anagrams, rebuses, you’ll test your negotiation skills and photogenicity. Through each challenge, you will discover parts of Izola’s mystery and the stories of the old town center.
The game is intended for curious adults who are interested in storytelling, like to be active and have fun. It can also be played by families with older children (10+).
The game is suitable for a group of maximum 5 people. It is also possible to compete with 2 groups at the same time. Each group’s result is placed on the final scoreboard.
You’ll spend about 1-2 hours playing this game.